14% As per the last held ACS, the data reveals the presence of almost 45 million immigrants in the US. This contributes to almost 14% of the total US population. However, the highest share of the immigrant population at a given time in the US remains at 14.8% in the past

40% Around 40% of the total visas issued under the family preference goes to the spouse and minors of the LPR.480,000 is the maximum cap of the upper limit set for the family preference visas to be issued within a fiscal year.

21% On an average note, the United States immigration authority denied about 21% of total applications for the H1B Visa category. Every 5th Visa case is rejected due to the lack of right documents or assistance on behalf of the consultant firms.



18th-July-2020 First immigration proved to be a steady hand during the time of distress. The body repatriation service helped and took care of a tough ask.

Sourav Saxsena

30th-June-2020 At first immigration, any VISA or related requirements for the US are promptly solved. It was a mindset changing interaction to see the events transpire with no fuss and give a final solution.

Amber Smith

Amber Smith

10th-June-2020 The experience has been truly satisfied with the immigration process consultation and services. Each individual is thorough and reliable to the values of the firm.

Tyler Nix

Tyler Nix

2nd-June-2020 It is a big help when someone can assist an applicant in more than just the paperwork for the VISA process. First Immigration takes care even for the silliest of queries with utmost dedication.

Shubham Sharma

Shubham Sharma

4th-May-2020 The family VISA requirements and applications were clearly understood and interpreted. It made the task easy, knowing that the processing is in safe hands.